Cosmetic Acupuncture


Cosmetic Acupuncture has traditionally been used to help with body pain, headaches, sinus problems and stress relief, but more people are now discovering its wrinkle reducing benefits as well. Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-surgical, 20-25 minute procedure that uses specialized acupuncture needles (thinner than a human hair) to stimulate collagen growth and move blood within the face. Treatments are painless and described as relaxing and recharging the body.

This cosmetic treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture. It’s said to naturally help make the skin look younger, smoother, and all-around healthier. And unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging but also the skin’s overall health.

Can I use acupuncture instead of Botox?

Facial acupuncture is a safer alternative to surgery or Botox. But it’s important to understand that facial acupuncture and Botox work in opposite ways. Botox freezes the muscles around the injection site, which relaxes the area and the surrounding skin, resulting in fewer wrinkles and creasing. Botox also limits the flow of lymph, blood, and chi to that area. Facial acupuncture works by restoring the flow of chi to the tissues.

Since acupuncture can cause the Botox to stop working, we recommend doing a few facial acupuncture sessions once the Botox wears off, but before you get your next injections. It allows all the areas that have been dormant to wake up a little, and if you go back for more injections in the same area, you’ll be better off because that part of your face is being reinvigorated in between. Sometimes clients come off of Botox completely after a few facial acupuncture sessions, others have been able to decrease the amount of injectables they use with this strategy.

At Lange’s Anti-Aging & Wellness, we have switched our focus from traditional acupuncture to also Micro-needling Collagen Induction Therapy with a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) holistic approach. This includes our Pure and Natural Skincare Serums. This is because we have seen the benefits that each patient has seen from it after only one treatment.

How do patients feel after a cosmetic acupuncture treatment?

Since the body, mind, spirit are all connected, negative emotions reflect in the face and change the appearance of skin texture, tone, evenness and tension. Acupuncture can eliminate stress and bring out innate strength, vitality and health. You will not only look younger, but also feel younger. Studies show that stress is the number one killer in the world. It leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, and all kinds of other ailments. Have you ever considered how STRESS can affect your face? And certainly, stress causes one to age more rapidly (including in the face). Acupuncture is a great stress reliever. You will notice a radiant glowing in your face and other benefits as well, inducing a feeling of relaxation and recharging. Some patients even say they sleep better the day after their treatment.

Diagnosing Your Skin Eastern and Western Medicine

The skin is assessed holistically (questions about sleep, stress, digestion, nutrition). Needles are placed not only on the face, but on the body, to support the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) systems affecting the skin like the lungs, stomach, spleen, large intestine, and so on. Chinese medicine sees skin care issues as a combination of internal and external problems. Most people to take a lovely ‘acu-nap’ once the needles are in place—this is the best state for healing, taking us into more rest and digestion, out of fight or flight. It’s important to address the entire body during your facial acupuncture session and not just your face, neck, and upper back. If you’re getting needles in your face only, you probably want to find another TCM holistic physician.

Dr. Lange will not only examine your skin using a TCM diagnosis but also using a skin scanner where it will reveal your your skin conditions that are undetectable with the naked eye. These problems can range from sun damage and spots, to dehydration, dryness or oiliness. Once these problems are detected, Dr. Lange will diagnose with appropriate products and treatments.

How Long Does The Visible Improvement Last? How many treatments do I need?

The effects of Facial Acupuncture Rejuvenation are cumulative and last up to 3-5 years after a course of 10 treatments (vary according to Eastern and western medical diagnosis), with maintenance. Each patient will be different, but usually each patient will need maintenance treatments once per month or once per season. Cosmetic Acupuncture diminishes the fine lines existing on the skin and prevents the skin from aging further.

Cosmetic Acupuncture Single Treatment Cosmetic Acupuncture Single Treatment
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Cosmetic Acupuncture Single Treatment


Cosmetic Acupuncture - Package of 12
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Cosmetic Acupuncture - Package of 12
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Cosmetic Acupuncture Package of 24
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