This FDA approved test is quick, in-office, and affordable. BIA (Bioelectric Impedance Analysis) is a key for the initial evaluation of the patient’s health.
BIA testing can be used for multiple reasons, including valuable information on cellular health. It is commonly utilized for assessing overall health. BIA can be used to monitor the impact of hormones, metabolism, toxicity, nutritional supplementation, diet, exercise and nutrition on overall health.
BIA is a simple test that converts easily obtained electrical measurements into information about the patient’s body composition and fluid distribution measured by Phase Angle.
Are you a grape or a raisin?
Phase Angle is based on total body resistance and reactance and is independent of height, weight and body fat. Lower phase angles appear to be consistent with either cell death or breakdown of the cell membrane. Higher phase angles appear to be consistent quantities to intact cells membranes and body cell mass.
Phase angle is a predictor of the course of disease or increases as the result of optimal health based on good nutrition and consistent exercise. Low phase angles are consistent with:
Chronic Alcoholism
HIV/Aids infection
Abusive life style
Old age (80 – 100 years).
Phase angle may be used also to monitor the practice of good health, which would include healthy diets (GMO free), the use nutritional supplements and exercise.
The properties of the BIA circuit in the body are well defined. The method [of measurement] is precise, sensitive and specific in its ability to illustrate specific changes inherent in the biological subject.
The BIA provides a ‘snapshot’ of cellular level dynamics and architecture, giving valuable and immediate data of the individual’s state of health and healing from many protocols including medical research, clinical practice and the health care professional analysis and recommendation.
What is parallel capacitance?
All living things are made of cells. Cells are membrane bound compartments filled with a concentrated solution of chemicals, nutrients, elements, and salts. Groups of cells perform specialized functions and are linked by an intricate communications system.
The cell membrane maintains an ion concentration ‘gradient’ between the intracellular (internal cell/cytoplasm) and extracellular (external) environment. This electromotive gradient known as Parallel Capacitance, is the electrical potential difference across the membrane that is essential to cell survival.
The Parallel Capacitance is responsible for efficient support transfer of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and elements in and out of the cell. The higher the capacitance, the more efficient the cellular metabolism.
Parallel capacitance is not affected by weight or body fat. It is a measure of cell membrane health and can change dramatically depending on disease or health. As cells take on nourishment and vitality progressing toward health, their parallel capacitance increases. Inversely, as cells lose their energy and vitality, their capacitance goes down.
A body builder, for example, would have a high parallel capacitance and low resistance, or more cell volume, because he is extremely muscular and fit. A malnourished AIDS patient would have a low parallel capacitance due to lower muscle density.
Follow-up Test
In just minutes, we’ll have detailed measurements to help create an effective, personalized program for you. We can conduct a series of follow-up BIA test to monitor your health and measure your progress.
Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA) Pre-Test Preparation
To ensure best results please observe the following pre-test guidelines:
• No Exercise, No Sauna, Do Not Eat Any Food, Do Not Drink Caffeine or Any Liquids within 4 hours prior to the test.
• No Alcohol Consumption within 24 hours prior to taking the test.
• Drink 4 Cups of Water 1 hour prior to taking the test. You should drink All Your Water within a short period of time, so one hour prior to test time you have COMPLETED Preparation. It is suggested to drink warm water if you have issues digesting 4 cups of water in a 5-10 minute period.
• Females, report Day of Your Menstrual Cycle on the day of the test.
• Do Not Wear Compression Socks.
The conductive medium in the body is water. Standardizing pre-test preparation will reduce the influence of temporary hydration or dehydration on test results.